Monday, March 7, 2011

Back up Facebook status police.

Hate of the day: Annoying status comments telling me how much I complain.

I'm not typically a person who cares about what people say on Facebook let alone care about status updates...but recently people have taken a liking to be really annoying on it. The way I see it, status updates are either
1) Song lyrics
2) Complaining about how you need a girl or guy
3) saying how much you love/hate said girl or guy
4) listing out your schedule for all of FB
5) Angry ranting or complaining about life in general

I'm more of a number 5 status updates which I have to say are the least annoying yet all my friends keep commenting on how much of a "negative Nancy" I am or comment on how I find a new thing to complain about everyday. I HATE when I get comments about that, what the hell is FB statuses suppose to be for if I can't complain in them?!

First of all, maybe every stupid person who gives me these comments should stop acting like complete idiots and I wont have anything to complain about anymore. Problem solved, you just need to get a brain first.

I'm sorry that I don't find life to be all puppies, rainbows and ice cream. I can't be as upbeat and smiley as you are because everyone treats you like a princess because you are all around perfect and lovable. Also I think I should apologizing for not being like you and updating my status every 5 minutes with stupid lyrics of how i'm lonely or hurt and the occasional "i wish i had a bf </3" update.

I guess this just means that next time somebody updates with lyrics I should comment "man you are such a plagiarizer" and when I see my favorite "wanting a girl/boy" update I'll reply with "you are such a clingy needy (offensive name)." Or better yet I'll reply with this "I think you need to want something else in life because nobody wants an annoying idiotic person like you, what you really want is a new Facebook status that isn't so far out of your reach".


  1. Hahahahahaha Im so with u on this one :) Statuses about wanting a BF n million sad faces next to it... Common pull urself together ppl!!!

  2. This is both comic and tragic. I watch my 14-year-old little sister and her friends and they, age appropriately, are obsessed with doing exactly the things you say. It's tragic to still be doing it in college perhaps. I'm thinking there's lot of low self-esteem floating around especially in girls/women, alas.
