Wednesday, March 9, 2011

If the shoe fits, wear it!

I have a love hate relationship with shoes, I either love them and hate their price or hate them regardless of price. Somedays I hate all the shoes I own because they don't match my outfit but some people I think in general just hate shoes. Why you ask? Because I've noticed that a couple of individuals love to take their shoes off in class. This leads me to my hate of the day: taking shoes off during class or in school.

Shoes are on your feet for a reason, also there is a reason other people are wearing shoes so why do you insist on taking them off? First of all nobody wants to smell your stinky feet! This isn't your home or personal space so don't make yourself comfortable and take your shoes off all willy nilly. I don't expect you to go to a business meeting and take off your shoes, this is a bit of a dramatic comparison to a classroom but still.
Second, nobody wants to look at your gross worn out socks. Go buy new ones or better yet KEEP YOUR SHOES ON!

The floors aren't the cleanest place in a classroom either, certainly not in the art building, so why do students need to take their shoes off? This is just inappropriate and weird, I don't have a foot fetish so stop trying to show me your feet and please put your shoes back off and start acting like a rational human being.


  1. Ur blogs make me laugh so hard :) I love your writing style! And about the shoes... I ask myself this very same question EVERY DAY! I don't get whats going on in people's heads!

  2. HAHA I couldn't agree more with you! It really is ridiculous that people take their shoes off in semi-public places and don't think anything of it. What happened to etiquette people?!

  3. OK. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!
