Monday, April 25, 2011

Can you hear me now? No, you've made me deaf.

I've come to realize that being the baby of the family and being the last to go to college is really annoying because I think for my parents it's harder for them to see me leave the nest rather than see my older sister leave. I guess I'm not very considerate of them but I try and I try to call them every weekend but I honestly hate talking on the phone and they really don't make it easier.

It's like they assume that if I don't call for every week, I've been murdered or abducted. Really? They've known me for 19 years, you'd think they know my habits by now. I'm just not a phone talker. What's even worse? For some reason they love to both talk on the phone, my hate of the day: When my parents simultaneously talk on the phone.

My understanding of a telephone is pretty much the same as a very long distance walkie talkie, made for one person to contact another. When I call a person I plan to talk to one person not a multitude. When I call my parents I expect to talk to dad and then mom. Or more realistically mom first, dad second, then mom again because she has more nagging she forgot to do.

Yet, my parents insist on having one person talk on the phone and the other yell across the room so that I can hear them while the other one is still speaking into the receiver. Seriously? We might as well just use speaker phone and host conference calls, too bad my parents don't even understand the concepts of speaker phone. The difficulties of having parents who are technologically handicapped. I still have yet to train my dad in the ways of the cable box and remote... Oh well, I'm just glad he got the hang of the DVD player. Regardless, I guess I'll just have to deal with the yelling over each other and learn to hold my phone 6 inches away from my ear so my ear drum doesn't burst.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The concept of libraries are too hard to grasp for some people

Libraries are pretty notorious for a couple of things, books, librarians (either the "sexy" librarian or the old mean ones), and silence. I think the whole point of going to a library to do homework or study is to be surrounded by resources and to be in a quiet area where you can concentrate.

I guess these 2 girls a table away don't understand the concept of a library. My hate of the day: girls that need to retell their weekend stories to each other in a library.

I give them credit to being semi-quite given that they are speaking in relatively low voices. Yet you are literally 15 feet away from me and I can hear your convo. If you want to chit chat with your friend then go grab a cup of coffee in a cafe, in one of your dorm rooms, or better yet first floor of the library. Why in the world did you come here to talk to your friend for over an hour? It's the library, there are signs stating quiet all over the place, what don't you understand?

I guess your weekend was SO fun that you couldn't bear to not retell the crazy nonsense you encountered over the weekend to your best bud. However, there are so many other settings that this is more appropriate for.

I hope one day you lose your voice because your not considerate enough to have it. Learn some better social manners and stay in the Starbucks where your little social pow wow belongs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

If the shoe fits, wear it!

I have a love hate relationship with shoes, I either love them and hate their price or hate them regardless of price. Somedays I hate all the shoes I own because they don't match my outfit but some people I think in general just hate shoes. Why you ask? Because I've noticed that a couple of individuals love to take their shoes off in class. This leads me to my hate of the day: taking shoes off during class or in school.

Shoes are on your feet for a reason, also there is a reason other people are wearing shoes so why do you insist on taking them off? First of all nobody wants to smell your stinky feet! This isn't your home or personal space so don't make yourself comfortable and take your shoes off all willy nilly. I don't expect you to go to a business meeting and take off your shoes, this is a bit of a dramatic comparison to a classroom but still.
Second, nobody wants to look at your gross worn out socks. Go buy new ones or better yet KEEP YOUR SHOES ON!

The floors aren't the cleanest place in a classroom either, certainly not in the art building, so why do students need to take their shoes off? This is just inappropriate and weird, I don't have a foot fetish so stop trying to show me your feet and please put your shoes back off and start acting like a rational human being.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Back up Facebook status police.

Hate of the day: Annoying status comments telling me how much I complain.

I'm not typically a person who cares about what people say on Facebook let alone care about status updates...but recently people have taken a liking to be really annoying on it. The way I see it, status updates are either
1) Song lyrics
2) Complaining about how you need a girl or guy
3) saying how much you love/hate said girl or guy
4) listing out your schedule for all of FB
5) Angry ranting or complaining about life in general

I'm more of a number 5 status updates which I have to say are the least annoying yet all my friends keep commenting on how much of a "negative Nancy" I am or comment on how I find a new thing to complain about everyday. I HATE when I get comments about that, what the hell is FB statuses suppose to be for if I can't complain in them?!

First of all, maybe every stupid person who gives me these comments should stop acting like complete idiots and I wont have anything to complain about anymore. Problem solved, you just need to get a brain first.

I'm sorry that I don't find life to be all puppies, rainbows and ice cream. I can't be as upbeat and smiley as you are because everyone treats you like a princess because you are all around perfect and lovable. Also I think I should apologizing for not being like you and updating my status every 5 minutes with stupid lyrics of how i'm lonely or hurt and the occasional "i wish i had a bf </3" update.

I guess this just means that next time somebody updates with lyrics I should comment "man you are such a plagiarizer" and when I see my favorite "wanting a girl/boy" update I'll reply with "you are such a clingy needy (offensive name)." Or better yet I'll reply with this "I think you need to want something else in life because nobody wants an annoying idiotic person like you, what you really want is a new Facebook status that isn't so far out of your reach".

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I don't care if you eat mosquitos, you're still creepy.

As a parent, I think your role is too kill scary spiders when your child asks you to (even if they're 19, you're still their parent!). I hate that my parents will always try to catch the spider and release it in the wild, my mom does it cause she says it's bad luck to kill them (crazy Filipino superstitions) and my dad doesn't cause well...he's an asshole and wont kill them for me. Even if they do save it's life and release it in the wild, I'm 95% sure it's gonna find a way back in to my house and lay it's gross spider eggs in me and kill me.

I hate spiders, I hate when people tell me they're good cause they eat mosquitos because wow that helps calm my fears that they are crawling all over me when I'm sleeping! No way! They are gross and furry and I'm pretty sure that they are spawned from the depths of hell. Pretty sure Satan keeps spiders instead of hamsters.

The worse is when you're sitting somewhere and one just drops right in front of your face from it's creepy web. I could die when that happens. Even worse is when you walk into one of it's webs and you don't know if it is crawling on you or not. I think that is honestly worse than torture, it is terrifying. Here's a funny comic from the to make you feel better about it, even though there is nothing to make you feel better about spiders.

I wish the creepy little satan pets were never even evolved to exists, I think they should just die out. The other day one was on my window seat waiting to devour my soul. I'm never ever sitting in my window seat again, even if it is so sunny and enticing, I'm positive there are more spiders over there waiting to kill me and avenge their brother that I killed.

If I one day mysteriously disappear, it was the spiders.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Paper cuts - a tree's last revenge

In this post I'm gonna branch out a little bit (no pun intended, or maybe intended, you'll never know) and I'm gonna hate on something that's not a person or their actions. Today what I hate is paper cuts, also known as a tree's last form of revenge (ah now you get that branch pun).

Paper cuts come from paper which is virtually harmless, unless you are a rock, and usually you get paper cuts while doing something like turning a page to a book. I have to say they are one of the most annoying things ever, over exaggeration but they irk me to no end, and from harmless paper no less. Usually you're flipping pages through a book and you're trying to find something in a rush and then BAM a page slices your skin and stops you dead in your tracks and damn do those cuts sting. Its not really that painful, its just more of an annoyance and depending on how bad the cut is sometimes when you're doing something else and the skin around the cut gets tugged and it stings really bad.

The other day I was crafting something out of cardboard and I was running my hand along the edge to break the cardboard box apart when it sliced my finger really deep. A paper cut from corrugated cardboard? Seriously? Well this might technically be a cardboard cut but hey same concept. OK I kind of deserved the paper cut from my own stupidity but it really sucked. I couldn't even get a band aid to stick on my finger due to awkward positioning so the cut would rub against my other finger and irritate me.

Paper cuts are not the end of the world and you might not say they are so bad but wait till you pick up your next book, you better beware.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This air is for breathing not jamming

Going along with my previous guitar rant, I've encountered another similar guitar hate. Air guitar.
Now I know your thinking that you never encounter the dreaded air guitar unless you're being crazy with your friends, and if you do this with your friends you might want to rethink your priorities, or hang out with 40 year old dudes who believe Metallica is the best, also not advised and rethink this immediately. But the air guitar strikes more frequently then you'd think and tonight for example I've seen it three times!
Where? In the campus dining hall during my work shift.

Now I know that long work hours can drive you to insanity and that you can act in ways you'd never think you'd act but I think the air guitar is a bit drastic. Back to my air guitar attack, I was just minding my own business in the dish room putting clean dishes in their rightful places and enduring the Metallica blasting through a workers ipod and assaulting my ears. One of the guys who work in the kitchen came into the dish room and grabbed a tray for whatever reason he needed it and then held it like a guitar and started wailing away to a rock song that I don't know. Like any nice polite person I laughed and nodded at his little antic but oh no this encounter was not over yet. He kept up his guitar solo all the while singing (More like wailing random tones) along while I kept trying to do my job and stack dishes. After another minute or so of me laughing and nodding at him he stopped and went back to his work thinking he performed a good joke and I was thankful that I was saved from the vicious air guitar.

I was wrong in my assumption that I would not see the air guitar for what I hoped was forever. Again this worker thought it'd be a good idea to waltz in and jam away on his air guitar, he even came back for another round closer to the end of my shift. I never thought I'd even have to deal with an air guitar player in my life let alone work with one. I'm all for jokes and having a good time but the air guitar is awkward....probably because you don't hold anything and just make crazy sounds out of your mouth all the while assaulting someones ear drums.

If you feel the need to play the air guitar along with some songs then do it  by yourself but air guitar is not a performance activity and certainly you shouldn't ever admit to playing air guitar. And to all you air guitar players out there, remember this: Air guitar is not appropriate for the work place, hell it's not appropriate at all you look like a mental patient so just stop it already cause you are no rock star and not a musician at all!